Sovereinty Weapons: BRs Snipers Carbons Missile Pods Rocket launchers Spartan Laser Maulers Needlers Equipment: Power Drains Bubble...
We need help finishing this map, We need some one who is good with spawns and doesnt mind sharing the credit with hadokinchild and I :) Please...
it was inspired by the campaign levels the covenent and halo here are the pics [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Hadokinchild is helping...
[IMG] [IMG] Please tell me what u think, i would be greatly appreciated it,also please if u can i need a map name thanks
EVOLUTION Authors: MASTER016, Hadokenchild Player Count: 8-16 Supported Gametypes: Assault(Neutral), Capture the Flag(Multi), Team Slayer...
Map Description:A battle feild left from the ancient fight of spartan life were 2 teams face of for glory of the ancient ruins 8-12 players...
Lasting Chrono Description:This map is a 2v2-3v3 map it is symetrical but asymetrical at the same time but it doesnt really matter it was...
Chrono Description:This map is a fast pace symetrical map built for 2v2 or 1v1 the map works best with TEAM ODDBALL,TEAM KOTH,AND TEAM SLAYER if...
Pavilon [IMG] Description:This map is a remake of Pavilon off of Gears Of War 2 sorry if it is not perfectly like gears of war but it is a...
ReflectionFinal Description:basically this map has two bases and is sort of a remake in a way how I want foundry to be and play...