One of my biggest qustion is, what is your favorite weapon or what is the best weapon. my favorite is the br or the sniper.
This is a map made by my friend Searingsamuel not me he just dosent have a computer so i wanted to post it for him. Its has been gameplay tested...
most of you on forgehub have a picture of the masterchief or an orical on your signature when i upload a photo of somthingit doesnt appear on the...
me and my friends are starting a clan but we dont know a good name for our clan weve havent been able to decide but one of my friends went to...
ive always been curious what button layout most people play one wether its bumber jumpers or default or boxer any button layout. i play on bumber...
what is your favorite 1v1 map most people that i have asked say gaurdian but i want your guys opinion on this topic and please no trash talk or...
this map was created only for the use of king of the hill as seen in the pictures below this map was created from the insperation of a map one of...
im sorta new to the site and i dont know how to post my maps and also can you just download pictures you took of your map and then put them on...