YouTube - Halo Reach - Jumping fun in Arena‏ This was when there was still a 2v2 arena playlist. Me and a friend encounter two individuals...
I just had some time to upload a few rendered jumps on youtube with my superslow internet. If you have any questions on how to do a jump, feel...
YouTube - Tactical jump Boardwalk A useful spring jump on Boardwalk - Courtyard to Rest Stop 2nd Floor
YouTube - Halo: Reach AMAZING Hidingspot on Boardwalk A hiding spot I found below Boardwalk. Enjoy!
Just the screenshots I took some time ago and did not post here yet. [IMG] Star Ghost [IMG] Colorball [IMG] Change [IMG] Into the...
92408255 A film clip created by me and my friend; magical powers!
YouTube - Its Over 9000 german scene Come on, tell me about the data; how high is his fighting power now? Its far over 8000! Over 8000?...
Arent you also looking forward towards the Rocket Race weekend? I cant wait to play - yeeeeeeehaw! Render This is a boost me and Strattus A D...
I rendered what happened to me some time time ago. Roche, Xanon, Vorpal and me played Team Control. Then Vorpal turned on awesome mode:...
[IMG] I used to post screenshots there and commented on others-it was probably the best screenshot forum ever. Now I returned-and what I saw...
Savanna Speed Savanna Speed is a Rocket Race map and probably my best Forge creation so far. But since I know that most of you don't...
Alright, it all started when I played a match of multi team. Game starts-and I spawn right behind the orange team. Zack - assassination, shooting,...
This is what happens to me all day: [IMG] (Notice the BR shot against the wall, it killed me. Lol it was a 2v2...) The reason for this is my...
Some quotes: Germans just do not dress like Germans (About the not-existing leather pants in Germany) Never lean against a car - cars are holy...
The photos were taking out of the car using the light of the uther cars and the moving of the camera to create something quite unique. [IMG]...
I took these photos yesterday. I used following digital cameras: Sea&Sea DX1G (close-ups), Panasonic DMC-TZ5 (landscape) [IMG] [IMG]...
I was proud. I finally finished my map after about 45 hours. It was awesome. I saved. I went to customs. It was not there. I went to forge. It was...
I played Fable for five days and found this: The weapons: Ranged: 1. Get famous. Very famous. Then make 12 people follow you, travel to the...
I just recognized that I can not open/ see my DLC maps or even watch films of them if I am not connected. Anyone has the same problem, or is this...
Anyone knows whats in the 50 silver keys chest? (Yes I searched google and youtube) It is inside castle fairfax next to the throne. I already got...