Just an old vid i had lying around that i hadent posted until now. Enjoy! :happy: Dailymotion - Halo's Radio Station's - a Funny video
Here is the link since the embeding doesnt llike to work <object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param...
LANKYSPAZGINA Created By: Lanky Frank, Spazmonkey92 and Im a berk: [IMG] Lankyspazgina is an experimental map on Avalanche using the man-cannons...
Could someone help me, how do i make boxes and double boxes stay one colour on avalanche?
Lanky Frank's Guide To UN-Bumpy Bridges As the title states, many new map's have the classic bumpy bridges that send you bouncing into the air...
VENDER 3000 By Lanky Frank And Seaboro Kibbles Have you ever had a craving for a good ol' spartan brain? But never know where to get one!? Well...
This has been moved.
The Hog Hill Created By: Seaboro Kibbles Edited By: Lanky Frank Recommended 4-6 Players This is the future of monster jam games; the latest...
Could someone please post all the codes for imbedding pictures and videos. Also please post the bold/colour codes for everyones ease, thanks!:happy:
HIT City Created By Lanky Frank Intro: Welcome to HIT City, this is my predator map that was made over the course of a few months. It's primary...
as the title states i made a map with a lot of potential, i just need someone to help edit it: fix spawns, weapons, some scenery ect.. if anyone...
Hey, i just finished a map:happy:, well almost:sad:. its a symetrical map called PINNACLE and i cant seem to manage to make completely the same....