Halo 3 Best Competitive Map Contest Submissions Rules 1. The map must be made After October 20th. 2. You can only submit one map. 3. You CANNOT...
Halo 3 Best Competitive Map Contest Hello Everybody and welcome to my latest map contest. This contest was designed with competitive maps in...
HALO 3 FORGE OFF CONTEST RESULTS Hello Everybody and welcome to the official Results Thread for the Halo 3 Forge Off Contest. **I know this may...
Good Afternoon Gents and welcome to my newest map teaser thread for my newest map Paralyze. This map is in its very early forging stages but the...
Should it be required for every student to take? Should it be required to have in school? In my opinion, I think It should. I have seen a lot...
So there have been a few people around here who want to know how to geomerge the crane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbsJ0TMFp_s This is the...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKh6zoUBoDI I personally think it is great. What do you guys think?
okay guys, these are some teaser pictures for my new map- Infringe. This map has took a lot of time and effort with some very hard geomerges and...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=123TOfr8ZZU Okay guys, This is the first episode of DigitalPh33r's New Series Hard Justice. I thought it was...
heres a funny video from JibJab In 2007 | Funny Video Animation by JibJab It is a recap of 2007 with a lot of comedy and jokes, a must see. :P
I was just thinking about the foundry designer, when i thought of an idea. What if there was a 3-D designer for foundry. The designer would have a...
Calling all artists. Since I have no idea how to make a cool signature, I was wondering if people could make one for me. The signature is for a...
Halo 3 Forge off Contest [IMG] Hello Everybody and welcome to the seasonal H3FoC (Halo 3 Forge off Contest). The reason I am doing this contest...
Hey guys, i know i am a graduate and i have never really been able to do a intro. Here it is. Hey my GT is TheDarkKnight05 and I really enjoy...
Should there be a playlist that features user made maps? I think there should be a playlist of this sort. This gives people a look at other...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AXPnH0C9UA Very funny video Every time he says count they bleep it out. must watch.