k, here are my very first attempts at creating a sig with gimp, i know there not all that great so dont flame me. just some constructive...
[IMG] man, he must have some upper body strength to do that.
k, im trying to make a map at the moment, but is there some kind of glitch that makes weapon holders always appear at the start cause i dont want...
hi, I'm relatively new at forging but i no a good few techniques and i consider myself quite good but I'm stuck for ideas at the moment. so I'm...
k, when i posted arena i got a lot of feedback and a lot of suggestions to improve it. ive changed a few things and inproved alot of stuff. the...
k, i know everyone asks for a new one, and everybody normally says go to the sig shops, but nine times out of ten, you dont get a reply. anyway, i...
fort ultimate was my first forge hub post, i got some positive feedback from it and a whole load of ways to improve it, and thats exactly what ive...
K, with this new map, i wanted to give people a challenge, and i hope this map delivers. The map consists of two basses which are next to each...
OK, yesterday someone posted affliction, and i thought it was a really good map and loved the idea of three separate levels, however, i found a...
Ok, this is my first forge map. i decided to use foundry because that seemed to be the most common and the easiest to create with. its a simple...