Download Lament Alright, Lament is a VERY small map made for a nice little 1v1 or 2v2. It has 1 main level and a tiny upper level. The main...
Okay, Xaviera is a small map made for two to six people. It works with Slayer, Oddball, and KOTH. It is shaped somewhat like a T with two...
No i did not get this name from Quantum of Solace! Quantum is a map made for two teams. There are two bases, each having a power up and a...
Guitar Hero, Slash Guitar Battle 5 Stars Expert yes, i know that it's quality is crappy, but i have...
Trenches is an EXTREMELY fast paced map that is good for ALL gametypes. There are three subtrenches that are all connected by one main trench....
V2.0 isn't very different than v1. Due to many requests, i've added more cover, weapons, and spawn points. For those of you that would like a...
Story They heard a shot in the distance. It sounded like a beam rifle shot. "Luke, go check it out!" Ordered Sargent Anderson. After grabbing the...
If you liked the first dark sword, you'll love these Which do you like more, 1 or 2 1 [IMG] 2 [IMG] Hope you like em' EDIT: i forgot...
[IMG] this is the dark sword of a dark knight. Please tell me what you think of it!
Ok, after reading what many of you have said, i made some changes. Now it is much less empty in some places. i also tweaked the weapons a bit to...
Depot Ok, in Depot the two teams spawn on either side of the chrome tunnel and the action begins right away. The chrome tunnel is usually the...