"Holy ****, what is this? Forged in God's very flames. Do mine eyes...
Looks like Nintendo finally announced some information to when B&W will be hitting the US. I am excited for these because Nintendo finally changed...
I thought of this idea just about a hour ago and I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, Bungie could include Brutes in Matchmaking. Now I know...
I just played a game of Gruntpocalypse on the map Glacier. Isnt this map in the Noble Map Pack? It came up on the voting screen and I was...
Is it like the new Recon? I know that you have to buy every helmet to unlock it but I just played a game of SWAT and a Warrant Officer Grade 3 had...
First off, yes i know, wonderful thread title. But in all seriousness, Ive seen people up here with their sig as their Reach stats and medals and...
Here is the source: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Coming March 30 - News - I heard that the maps included are Crash and...
I know everybody has probably already done this but i want to do it. I tried once but it didnt work out too well. I cant really play on Legendary...
Can somebody please tell me when they are coming out because I really dont want to waste my money on Halo Wars. Once someone tells me the date...
I love this video hahaha Its hilarious
[IMG] This is when you get inside the Pelican (if you've seen...
[IMG] I know its probably been done alot but I just got the blue...
[IMG] The pic is on the level The Covenant. You can press and hold rb to get in the back of a pelican when your done killing the scarabs....
Is there ever going to be another Assassin's Creed? I heard rumors about one and it just popped into my mind. Does anyone know?
Can someone send me a link or something for the map Blue Room, which is the room under snowbound. If I posted this in the wrong place pleace let... I want this game so bad hahaha
I got these in the box for the Halo 3 Special Xbox 360 and I thought I might share them on Forge Hub. Well here aris the codes:...
Comes out tomarrow woot. Anyone else getting it? It should be awesome. Fallout 3 group-...
Is this true?! Can it be? If so someone, anyone please inform me when this will be out, or any other info on the game.
Mines the Nissan 350z