I lol'd YouTube - Cats Playing Patty-cake, what they were saying...
(From the website of the Film: Home — RESTREPO — A Film by Sebastian Junger & Tim Hetherington ) The story RESTREPO is a...
haha, go to 32 seconds and watch from there. YouTube - Gangsta hit by ice cream truck while getting his swagger on‎
Yeah, I Haven't touched PS in a good 3 months. Here is my first signature in a pretty damn long while, its not to great, but i like it. (SOTW...
YouTube - Best Cry Ever Autotune remix YouTube - Best Cry Ever - Sad Autotune Remix
i saw this on G4, and lol'd pretty hard. YouTube - EVERYONE'S DOING IT (TOO DIRTY FOR TV)
My friend Ted, Magic xP, found this glitch. Pretty rad. YouTube - Red dead Redemption *NEW* Super jump GLITCH [HD]
Warning: High Profanity; fat jokes; annoying kids. Download What **** Talkers over Xbox Live Really LOOK LIKE!! LOL.mp4 Updated video, thank...
YouTube - ACA - Vicious Dog Man
YouTube- Halo Reach Multiplayer Trailer If posted, delete.
we all know i'm probably a little rusty, due to the fact i'm not to active anymore :/ This is my opinion, don't make this an debate thread....
Dayum. YouTube- Jailbait :: A CoD 4 Montage :: Edited by Katha if you notice in the video, the R700's scope has writing in it. Its the title of...
Simple. Share some experiences of your weather encounters with fellow hubbers. Why do i bring this up? Some of you know I live in Southern...
Been a while, haven't been in GnA for a while :/ Oh, btw, I made everything in Photoshop, no DL brushes of any sort. Tag [Spoiler] Stock [spoiler]
Wow, amazing gameplay, great editing, quality is mehh. YouTube- cDuBBz88 & MAEL6996 | MW2 Dualtage | The Mastodon
Christmas Even tho it isn't technically Christmas, some people are lucky enough to open there presents early, even only one. We also get gifts...
What the heeel. Every one knows I'm not a big fan of anime, yet, here I am making an anime signature. SO, before mace gets all proxy ninja on my...
I think Spartan is ap retty col guy. eh kills aliens and doesnt afraid of anything. [IMG]
Hey guys, came across this, it may help us greatly. Well, some. lol Halo Reach Screencaps
For some reason, I am addicted to this god damned video. Simply amazing IMO. Best use of Dynamite: Mass Physics!