Ive been hearing recently that the military is thinking of holding a new draft in light of the rebirth of the Korean Conflict. Now if you think...
Alright so this is my map Phlow, with its corresponding game type Invert. The idea of the one way door used at a gravitational device came to me...
So its been a while since ive last logged into this website, but recent events have once again, re interested me in the potential that forge...
Well i was reading an article on CNN just a few minutes ago and something about this caught my eye. I know many of you will criticize me for my...
Probably the most decent art i have done in a while [IMG]
me and my friends were discuss and assault mode + map for MW2 so i came up with this. [IMG]
nother sumthin i threw together... [IMG]
Just got my tablet and decided to draw a little. These are my first two drawings with it. Amateur at best. [IMG] [IMG]
im 15, just got used to modeling in 3ds max when my trial ran out. I obviously cant spend the 1500 on max 2010 so anyone kno where i can get a...
Ok so im a 37 soldier in Borderlands and im freakin addicted to the game. GT - FritoBandito7 So far i have only found three Eridian(alien)...
hey guys im really interested in creating games and i love making multiplayer maps. ATM i use the KillingFloor unreal editor 2.0 Because i(and the...
This is a piece i did tonight in about 5 hours. Its the first piece ive done that i can call my own. CnC please [IMG] I think it has a little...
Ok so you all probably know about the new **** Zombie map Der Riese, but within this map there are many secrets. While ooking around the...
ok [IMG] so this is my second attempt at a sig. Nothin special just light lines. Im building my skills
Its my very FIRST sig and i lack a tablet. Tell me what you think of this peice of **** sig lol and sorry about the blur. [IMG]
I know this may have been discussed many times before and was a large rumor going around but i could not find a thread that wasnt necroed about...
Hey im new to graphics and the use of tablets. I am a really amateur photoshop user but am extremely interested in becoming a graphic artist. I...
I dont know if anyone picked up on this already but for the publics general knowledge... future updates on the xbox 360 will include movies...
As you may have heard recently, the Iranian Elections have ended and once again the Regime has emerged victorious. This is such crap. I had...
loooking for someone to forge with. i forge alot and have no friends that forge seriously. I look forward to creating a map with a partner.