[IMG] You arrive home after a year abroad. You expect your family to greet you, but the house is empty. Something's not right. Where is everyone?...
To preface, I don't run adblock on sites I want to support, like Forge Hub. I am curious as to what ads people get. Here's my current one.......
For all the Mass Effect and Resident Evil fans. DC Douglas voiced both Wesker and Legion. A Wesker - Legion Alliance (A DC Douglas Farewell) -...
Or it is for the US at least... by the end of this year. President Obama announced today that the US would be withdrawing all troops from Iraq by...
Okay so I need to make a poster, a fairly basic poster, and my photoshop skills are very very limited. What I need help on is making a perfect...
Discussion for Torchwood: Miracle Day. Please use spoilers when appropriate. [spoiler]
What are the things that you have done that have stunned you, made you stop and think, and brought a smile to your face? I was on a red eye and...
This is a bit long but you really should watch it: Nic Marks: The Happy Planet Index | Video on TED.com I sort of hate the entire economic system...
For those of you who went, how was it? I went at like 11:00 and got the last spot in a Halo 3 tournament, thinking I would get my ass handed to...
If you've read the comic, played the game, or seen the movie discuss it here. I've seen the movie and played the game, loved both of them and...
Dreams can say a lot about a person, sometimes subconsciously, so post your dream and I (along with anyone else) will try to analyze it.
Story from: Achievement Hunter · Egg-cellent Easter Arcade Deals As a promotional event this Easter, ten XBox Live Arcade titles are getting...
Hey I have a friend who could use a signature. "I'm not sure how I want this. It can go many ways. Post-Apocolyptic setting.... two...
Yes it has been announced for this fall (queue up the Peggle Fever music)! Atari shifts into overdrive with Test Drive Unlimited 2 | TG Daily...
Ok does anyone no why Dice suddenly became obsessed with Texas in the BFBC2 storyline. There was the Merc from Houston, the Cowboys reference and...
Could someone please make a sig for me that basically shows that I am a rich porn. I have no idea what picture to use, but just do what you think...
It's a GamesRadar article that discusses some funny/cool crossovers that should happen. Take a look at page 2 in particular. Crossovers that...
What exactly are you? Take the test here, and post your results. (You may need to use print screen) The Political Compass Mine: [IMG]
Look to the right at the shadows [IMG] Valve announced today that it plans to release the first DLC campaign for Left 4 Dead 2 in "late...
$20,000,000 to get me to drink beer, watch tv, eat Doritos, buy a Hyundai, and use GoDaddy. I understand that this is is just a part of our...