[IMG] ^Download^ Interphase: By xFr1ct10nx Description: I first started this way back last semester during biology, we were taking about...
Well i was recently downloading some new conquest maps. I saw that the gametype link goes to the map makers fileshare. Now i dont know what you...
Mostly this time I was very disappointed with many outcomes and all of the performaces. Now I didnt watch every second of it, but the two worst...
Hey im Fr1ct10n but y'all can call me Fr1c or FX. I never got a chance to introduce myself way back when i joined some 6 months ago. Something you...
ok so they now have all the units up for Halowars-UNSC and Covanant, but the main "Home" Structure that you start of with as the covies is called...
By: xFr1ct10nx and FlipStik Download Map: Dead Man's Road Download gametype: Rise of the Undead Our HALOween map is here! And just in time...
I was wondering how many of you guys like Fable 2. I just got it saturday and i love it. Almost as good as halo, but you cant compare a FPS with a...
Ok so my map is pretty much done, but theres one tiny problem: a spawn point is stuck under the map in the back halls of foundry. i have no budget...
ok, so when i geomerge and i make it go like "2 doors deep" into the ground it starts frizzing out, then settles. if i make it go any deeper it...
Intervention By:xFr1ct10nx [IMG] ~ Download Intervetion ~ While the battle for the Cargo Hold still rages on the "UNSC Intrepid" the bridge...
well, i've noticed a while ago thatall the sig's that I have made SUCK! I was wondering if anyone outhere is willing to make me a sick slipknot...
Well i've been working on my newest map for quite sometime now and i hope to post it soon. I need some help though with naming the map and was...
I was watching the trailer....again and i noticed that the music sounds really good! it sounds like they used a bigger symphony or orchestra or...
Ok, I was in Walmart(dont ask why, i hate walmart) and my mom told me to watch my lil bro in the toys. so i was looking around and i found a halo...
Okay i dont have a wife, but i was looking around on youtube and i found the most funniest video ever. its only like 47 secs but its funny as...
I was trying to get on xbl and i noticed that my acc was set for a child account. so i eagerly changed it. now when i try to log in it logs me in...
I havent been to the Halo Wars Official website in a long time. I used to go there all the time too. So today I went there and they finaly have...
Ok, so i just got finished watching Digital Ph33r's (srry if i spelled it wrong) newest machinima Hard Justice. I noticed when the credits rolled...
so me and some friends were working on getting our ranks up in DLC Big team and trying to get achievments. we were talking about 7 on 7 and was...
There have been many theories in the past few weeks where people hve been debating whether or not Longshore is a remake of Headlong or Relic or...