I will be needing voice actors for my upcoming machinima movie. i have released a teaser trailer but that does not reveal much information....
Sleep Tight Full length trailer coming soon YouTube - Sleep Tight Teaser [IMG]
Well, i know alot of you guys probably do not forge racetracks and are probably not WIN at it..... but........ i have a problem. see i know the...
Devil's Playland By: Yo Mommas Foot, and Halokiller1247 [Anonymous] "That was one of the fricken scariest infection games ive ever played !!"...
The Kraken By - Yo Mommas Foot Screenshots [IMG] Starting Point [IMG] First hill going up [IMG] Downhill box turn [IMG] [IMG] Wall...
Apocalypto By-Yo Mommas Foot MAP USED - Foundry MAP TYPE - Racetrack Recommended Game variants - All Battle Tracks Game Variants...
[IMG] Forged By Yo Mommas Foot [IMG] [IMG] Starting Point [IMG] First Hill to Top of Track [IMG] Hill Declining Into Sharp Turn [IMG] Wide...
[IMG] By: Yo Mommas Foot [IMG] [IMG] Starting Point - With Grav lifts to give light. [IMG] Sloping Decline to Rats Nest Floor [IMG]...
How do you geomerge on Rat's Nest because i have seen some race maps with geomerging on them and they were on Rat's Nest ?
Okay so this guy calls this talkshow claiming to be a former Area 51 employee and he also claims to be running across the country from something...
Will a mod please delete this
i just created this video yesterday for Darth Dudy's new map -Black Ice- he asked me to make him a video and i did So here it is For best...
Hey Forgehub its me Walmartman ! Okay i will get to the point.... what i am doing is creating awsome new youtube videos to go with your next...
[IMG] Background Story Max : Where....Are....We ? James : I think are plane crashed in some foreign Part of Russia Max : What the hell...
CHAOS MAP PACK Description Okay these maps are pretty much the smallest most claustaphobic maps you can get. they are designed like that for...
Okay for starters i am starting on a map called CRISIS and i wanted to put something jawdropping in it to stun downloaders but i couldn't think of...
[IMG] SCREENSHOTS [IMG] 1st base [IMG] Active camo tunnel [IMG] 2nd base [IMG] Back Room [IMG] 1st base and Brute shot spawn Action Shots...
[IMG] Screenshot's [IMG] Mongoose Spawn and starting point. [IMG] First Ramp [IMG] Ramp to top of map [IMG] Smooth turn with shield door...
Cremation Made by Yo Mommas Foot and Dustin 4144 Screenshots [IMG] Overview of map 1 [IMG] Overview of map 2 [IMG] Lower Tunnel [IMG]...
What are the top 5 scariest yet fun custom games in halo 3 ? i have chose a few custom games from my opinion and other peoples opinions what...