Leroy Jenklns submitted a new map: Snow Snare - I present to you my remake of Sand Trap from Halo 3! Gamertag: Leroy Jahnkens The map is in my...
Conveyor Belts By Leroy Jenklns Supports all Gametypes Map description: Conveyor Belts has been done for about a month now, I just never...
Petrified By Leroy Jenklns Supports all Gametypes Petrified is a mirrored competitive map which took about a day to build. And it can't...
Valorous By Leroy Jenklns Supports all gametypes Valorous: Great courage in the face of danger, especially battle. Map Description Valorous...
Harvest 1.2 Created by Leroy Jenklns Map Description The attackers spawn on the hill and the defenders spawn in the base. -The idea for this...
Outskirts By Leroy Jenklns Supports all gametypes Outskirts is Based on the Halo 2 campaign mission "Outskirts"...
HARVEST Created by Leroy Jenklns Supported Gametypes: CTF AND SLAYER Map Description ATTACKERS SPAWN ON A HILL AND THE DEFENDERS SPAWN IN...