Click---> Hollow Carnage Hollow Carnage But anyway First off,I'll like to thank UnheardCarnage,Legend Jedicsc,Agent Quack for all the Tidbits of...
Hello Forgehub, I am sorry for the disruption the other week but During my 3-day ban I decided to go over a couple things in my map........
Kromasome Playable on:Team Slayer Best With:1v1,2v2,3v3 and 4v4 Hello FH, I'm back with my newest map Kromasome. First off, I'll Thank the...
Tranquility Hey, this is my first map post and I wanted to make it good and to me this is as good as it gets.... Game Types Tranquill...
What if we had a Foging 101 about good ways to block off maps,I'm sorry if this is stupid but I could use some help blocking off maps EX:People...
Hey, I was thinking about a slayer map with 2 floors (above ground and a underground) and it be 4v4;two trenches about the width of 3/4 of a box...
hey im new to FH and i need help with this map idea i had its a competetive map so if ya want send me a Friend Request my GT is ElementaLegend...
Im new here i joined today and thought i would just let the community know im here