Hi guys, its been eight months since i was last here so i guess i kind of need a new introduction thread. Yes i did totally rip the thread title...
Favela v2 "With the Covenant on Earth the Humans must fight to hold even the worst of ground" [IMG] DOWNLOAD FAVELA v2 HERE [IMG]...
[IMG] My current Sig [IMG] New Sig [IMG] New Sig with different colours. Which do you guys prefere? I SeNTiNeL I
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8XkIeTz-NU&NR=1 Decide for yourself. Is he cool or an old man trying to be cool? From a British perspective i...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skIlZflDs9Y I dunno whether this has been seen before on Forgehub but for those of you who liked the Silverman...
Not really my first post or anything but hey i thought i should do one of these at some point and them im kind of more official. Been at Forgehub...
[IMG] Thought i might have a go at making myself a sig rather than asking for one to be made for me. This is the first time i have ever done...
Favela v1.2 Favela v1.2 "With the Covenant on Earth the Humans must fight to hold even the worst of ground" Favela v2; The new thread for...