[IMG] [media] Hello 4chubbers. I'm Urban aaaaand I have been kind of in the dark as of recent when it comes to posting maps, but I've been...
[media] Tell me what you think guys, thanks for watching :)
[media] This is for 1v1's..... that's pretty much it :)
Sorry if you are a Zelda fan, this is not what you may be looking for. This is a BTB map designed for CTF and a Gametype made by "o Nondual o,"...
Sigh.... why damnit, why? Has anyone else had this problem or could explain what happened?
BTB Preview Video Tell me what you think guys, video explains everything. :) Update: The map has been playtested as of last night, I have a...
[IMG] Hey 4chub, I had just spontaneously created this map and I have a really good feeling about it. It's an inverse-symmetric (Holy ****, no...
[IMG] Hello again 4chub, I have been struggling to contain myself from posting this map so I decided to appease my desire and at least...
For anyone who has known me since Halo 3, they know this map and they know it well. I decide to create this as a re-imagination or spiritual...
[IMG] Hello 4Chubbers! Amazing! The map posting system works now, sooooo why not post an original map from myself, took me long enough. Sturdy...
Hello fellow 4chubbers! I wanted to wait till I had complete access to screenshots and video (KAZEROID is helping with that situation). But alas,...
Hey there 4chub, So I have been working on a 2v2 map and have recently added a new power weapon (Railgun) three levels above the original power...
Set for Slayer and Koth variants, 4-8 players recommended (try multi team on this, seriously). Hello again Forgehub, hopefully now that I...
*sigh... I have to say, it's so sad that this is my FIRST Reach map post... But the good news is it's finally my time to start posting again and I...
YouTube - New mini game concept Now after seeing the video, let me explain this gametype a little more in depth. KoTH Ball (not the final...
[IMG] Be prepared for a huge improvement..... [IMG]
I want to say that this is definetely my very last map, but I don't know what the future holds and I love forging. Seeing what Reach has in store...
Author: Urban Myth Map Name: Mythicism Map Canvas: Sandbox Player Count: 1 Supported Gametypes: Spend All Day...
Authors: AceOfSpades, Urban Myth, MultiLockOn Map Name: Alt Drei Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Medium Player Count: 6-12 Supported...