A video of my second perfection recieved without help from friends. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHcEfAjpRvc I also have the first on YouTube,...
I was wondering how to elevator jump with 2 people. I have seen it done, like on this...
I have uploaded my first YouTube video, Perfection. Right now it is processing, but after you'll be able to view it. The medal is on ranked and my...
My name is Lance. My XBL gamertag is Lcarnacieg. I'm an okay forger and I love Halo 3. Feel free to ask me more.(By that, I mean don't feel free...
[IMG] Can someone please make this signature awesome, wth coloring, or anything else? Thanks! (Sorry about the same thread on Off Topic, I...
[IMG] This is an image of what I want to use for my signature picture. Can someone please edit it to make it awesome looking? Color change or...