Well I had a really nice post typed up but it got deleted right before i posted it, here's the remake of Goat and I's Halo 3 map Archaic which was...
Archaic first started out when my good friend Goatnutts420 asked me if i wanted to make a map with him. I was a bit hesitant at first since i...
Download Titanous v1 Titanous is a 3 base map that has inspiration from Sanctuary. The idea for a 3 base came from Barons semi 3 base map...
Download Titanous is a 3 base map that has inspiration from Sanctuary. It is a coforged map between me and BFP Sticky v3. I got the idea to...
Amethyst is the product of much patience and over a month of forging. It is a 2 base map but is very different from any 2 base map before it, the...
hey i have some great ideas the problem is that i get bored alone and honestly, i get tired of doing all the work and coming up with all the ideas...
Here is the download Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Hey guys i realize that the 3.0 was uploaded but...
hey i have no idea where to post this so im wondering who do i pm to get a thread deleted? this kid took my map after i kicked him off the map...