Plexus Competitive Symmetrical Map Created by BORG k79 With news of the recent Title Update it has given me hope that the Reach Community will...
Temple Mount forged by BORG k79 2 - 12 Players Symmetrical Competitive Map Reach the Apex of these Monuments to achieve Enlightenment....
Caretaker forged by BORG k79 2 - 12 Players Symmetrical Competitive Map [IMG] Caretaker has been a map I have been thinking...
PARAMOUNT 2 - 10 Player Competitve Map Forged by BORG k79 [IMG] Paramount is a symmetrical Structure Map that I have made on the main...
RELENT 2 - 8 Player Competitve Map Forged by BORG k79 [IMG] Relent is an Arena-style symmetrical map that lends itself well to...
< - - WISHING WELL v2 - - > Created by: BORG k79 Map Description: The Guardians will grant your Wish as long as you make the ultimate...
HIVE MIND created by: BORG k79 Hive Mind is a map that I had originally created for Foundry. I had always had grande visions for it but...
Tusk TUSK forged by BORG k79 TUSK is my re imagining of my favorite Halo 2 map, IVORY TOWER. There were always interesting encounters on that...
Ivory Tower Re-Created I have been trying to recreate my favorite map from Halo2, Ivory Tower, in the skybubble. However I have ran into the OLN...
WISHING WELL Forged by BORG k79 DOWNLOAD Wishing Well Back Story A Wishing Well is a term from European folklore to describe Wells where...
GRID created by BORG k79 [IMG] GRID is based off inspiration from maps like Warlock and Midship. It has 4 Bases that are identical in...
INTERNMENT created by BORG k79 Hang Em High Remake. Tombstones that have been discovered here, are believed to be to final resting place of the...
Apex created by BORG k79 SUPPORTED GAMETYPES Team Slayer, 1 Flag CTF, K.O.T.H. and FFA however it is setup for all One Sided Gametypes as well....
TEMPLE MOUNT Created by BORG k79 Download Temple Mount HERE [IMG] Supported Gametypes: FFA - Team Slayer - K.O.T.H. - OddBall - CTF (1Flag)...
PROTOCOL Created by BORG k79 Download Here Supported Gametypes: FFA - Team Slayer - K.O.T.H. - OddBall - CTF (1Flag, Multi) Map Description...