It's been four years, but I'm back. With me, I bring a completed Saw map that's been worked on for over a year. It has been designed, built, and...
Below is two previews of the new map being made by The Paradox Forgers. Watch and enjoy :D. YouTube - Paratroxity Trailer YouTube -...
Saw Extremity by Gamer720 I am back once again, with new glitches and harder puzzles that will blow your mind! As you can obviously see, this...
Me and my friend, sniping stopher, found a odd glitch that if it could be tamed, may be a huge discovery. I will start from the beginning. I was...
The Saw Cube by Gamer720 ..and you thought the Rubik Cube was difficult.. Welcome to the newest edition of the Saw Series! The sixth to be...
I was going to bring all of you fellow forgers one of my greatest creations, a idea so revolutionary it may have brunt forth new forge maps....
Me, Cod4 Jarhead, Paulie Walnuttz, and many other people are on a live camera and are about to test Metro V2. Below is a link, send a message to...
So, me and my friend are playing rocket race and some guy knocks us off. So I go to get on, but it won't let me, even though it say "hold rb to...
I recently just got a message that I, Gamer720 got featured on Xbox Magazine, the UK edition. I am almost positive the US and the UK editions are...
Does anyone know what has been up with the blogs? Every so often when you click on them it says: Page not found The page you requested could...
I'm Gamer720 and I am in a newly created unity called The Paradox Forgers. This group consists of me, Buddha Crane, and thecartographer. You may...
Well, the new Forgehub is finally up! What do you all think about it? I like the new look.
Hi, my name is Gamer720(as you can obviously see), am I am looking for a very good pro forger, one that is known, one that can actually call...
Recon Sketch A long time ago I made a cool effect on Rats nest in the black room. It made it to where it would look like my guy was sketched in...
The Elite Brothers This picture is simply a miracle. It was so random, I simply wanted to just get a color effect, and what I got was much, much...
Biomass Description: Biomass is a well-balanced, fun map to play on. It works great for MLG, along with standard gameplay. It is partly open on...
I was just wondering, are modded maps allowed on Forgehub? I don't have one myself but I was just wondering.
The 14th Skull The 14th Skull has been found! It was found on Cortana and has been recorded. It is not the regular scull you find earlier on...