Bascially, this guy has no life and makes hilarious parodies and rap songs. Here is his channel. Here are the lyrics. Here are a couple of his...
Counterswirling Vortex Basically, i decided, at like 11:30 last night, i would make myself a new desktop background. This is what happened...
How this could even be composed by a human being is beyond me. Someone linked me to it and i thought it was sick. the part at like 7:05 to like...
I dont know if you guys have ever seen this site, but if you havent its basically a site devoted to laughing at photoshop disasters, like this...
You know how Bungie puts easter eggs on everything? Well, the bombs are no exception. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] No, these were not...
-Download The Erratic- Erratic: er·rat·ic : {–adj} - 1. deviating from the usual or proper course in conduct or opinion; eccentric; 2. having no...
Im not here to complain or be a baby, but a map maker's life really can be tough sometimes. I made a map that has been plauged with problems and...
Anyone else play Age of Empires 3? Im completely obsessed with that game. Yes, a console gamer who also plays pc games *gasp!* So, anyone else...
Well, we all have made a map at one point or another. Some of us make 10 a week, some will make 10 in their lifetimes, but how many of those maps...
As zombies flowed into the city and the innocents within were lost to the advancing horde, a group of soldiers built an outpost in an abandoned...
Question already answered, thanks to those that halped.
We all know that if one thing about halo 3 is to be agreed on, its the fact that its packed with easter eggs. From the skulls to the "RvB...