I'm thinking of changing my gamertag (getting complaints about it of course), but I'm not sure what effects it will have on my account, Bungie...
What you guys think? Ohh and is it too big? (I use Coral, lol). [IMG] [IMG] This is what I used [IMG]
Well the idea is simple to explain, but Im not sure if it's possible. I was thinking maybe the Best downloads, like anything on Bungie Favorites,...
[IMG][IMG] [IMG] Here are a few designs for my team logo. I was thinking of adding a wing to the circle ones and some how incorporate...
Now that E3 is over and we have a ton of new info, it’s time to decide what games you’re most excited about (including games not shown at E3) for...
This is not about the EGM Lego Halo video-game prank. This thread is for talking about halo legos, other video-game legos, our own experiences...
Here’s an idea I thought of for a classes game mode similar to Team Fortress or Stars Wars Battlefront. I know this can sort of be done in Forge,...
[IMG] So I was in forge messing around, killing my teammate a ton, and when A finally killed my self I collected a 400 second betray penalty, lol.
For me, it seems assault is a bad word in the game, so I can't us it (without blam!). because of the ass in front of ault. Is it just me, a select...
Well I'm new here (obviously) and I just wanted to tell everyone that. I hope to make cool maps for people to enjoy and to enjoy ForgeHub maps as...