[IMG] Hub of the Dead III: Submission Thread This is where you post any and all submissions for Hub of the Dead III. Please do not post in this...
[IMG] Last Crusade Created by DarthMike2007 Recommended Gametype: Gauntlet Recommended Players: 1 Congratulations to DarthMike2007 for...
[IMG] Welcome to our last competitive tournament this side of Halo 4! Starting August 6th, our next tournament will be a 1v1, single...
[IMG] Voting Please vote for your favorite! The nominations in alphabetical order are: Aiden by IIITYRANTIII Ether by AceOfSpades Gallant...
[IMG] Nominations Rules Max. 3 nominations per person. Provide a link to each map's Forge Hub thread. DO NOT nominate your own map. DO NOT...
[IMG] Voting Please vote for your favorite! The nominations in alphabetical order are: Arena of Death by WALDO the lemon Caia by iTz...
RendeZook - YouTube WTF
[IMG] [IMG] Haze Created by Stevo Recommended Gametypes: Throwdown Recommended Players: 4 Round 1 of Forge Hub’s 2v2 Throwdown may not even be...
Halfghan Created by jakob hunter Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, Territories, and Infection Recommended Players: 2-8 Hold your horses, I...
YouTube - Beardyman and Dolby proudly present: DOLBYMAN (stereo version)
http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/236/assemblydesat.jpg http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/1975/avalanchedesat.jpg...
Forge Hub Epic Sandwich Contest 2 Welcome... However ridiculous you may think this sounds, this is a serious competition, and spam/shenanigans...
Forge Hub Rank System Member Ranks Members progress their rank with post count. Each rank has 5 grades with the same requirement. For example,...
Forum Rules General Rules | Customization Rules | The Infraction System | Infractions | Reporting Posts General Rules No spamming. For more...
[IMG] Writers' Bloc Hello! Nice to meet you. This is one of those horribly serious threads that espouses commitment of time, engagement of the...
New multi platform game revealed this week. Obviously CG trailers are merely nice to look at, but it makes you wonder about their budget when it's...
[IMG] [IMG]http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/7610/antigravmiddlecentre.gif[IMG] [IMG] http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/5170/antigravdlmap.gif...
▲ is awesome! Check him out. I'll post more in this thread when I find examples I find particularly amusing. YouTube - Fonejacker | Booking a...