eh its been a while.. [IMG]
the result of not opening ps in 4 months... meh [IMG]
Yeah if you want, it take it. [SPOILER]
[IMG] Yeah pretty simple.. just trying to get back into gfx a little. cnc
First decent attempt in a while.. [IMG] Reppin' Bmore
[IMG] Havent had any time for ps so this is the result.
Last one ;) [IMG]
I took a look at piggelz's and jugg's tutorials and this is my result. [IMG] Thanks for the tuts and the stocks guys.
Yep [IMG] These are a lot of fun to make :P
[IMG] Schools starting so this will be my last for a little while. Cnc, kinda mehh
Looks like I'm getting one out everyday lol. [IMG] Yay, nay?
Here you go DLMG tut by ~Laxerr on deviantART Post your outcomes Edit: Prefix changed - TexturedSun
[IMG] I like it a lot.
[IMG] CnC and I dont know where the quality went lol
[IMG] Cnc
[IMG] C2theNC
Tutorial by ~Laxerr on deviantART chyeah
Made these over the course of a week. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Some were more serious than others. CnC