I am posting my entries for Bungie's ODST Mythic contest here for criticism. I Wanna Rock!: [IMG] Lone Shotty: [IMG] Extreme Drivers: [IMG] Green...
I was playing DLC big team, trying to get some mongoose splatters, and I got a lucky one. GameVee.com | Halo 3 Video | Video | Mega Splatter
This is something I just got when I was playing DLC big team and I died by there. Lag threw me under. XD [IMG]...
Do not steal! After taking screenshots of a side view of a spartan, I shrunk them in photoshop and just finished respriting one of them. I...
I am trying to beat campaign on legendary but every time I play with other people we only do one mission or someone ends it. So if anybody wants...
[IMG] Download: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Description: The Bumblebee is a small ship, designed for...
[IMG] Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I took this just a few minutes ago when trying to get a screenshot. I...
I just heard about Gamevee, so I tested it out. Here is a match I came 2nd in on Lone Wolves. GameVee.com | Halo 3 Video | Video | Slayer BRs
You know how tons of people have posted giant ships made on avalanche? I don't know how to start on mine and if someone posted a tutorial it would...
I have a idea, but it won't work because weapon holders fall through vehicles. My idea is to place a weapon holder on the back of a warthog, and...
I, am NeonStalker. I do not have Halo 3 yet, but I will by the end of the month. I joined because this place is what I imagined when I thought of...