there's a chance i have too much free time
just post some doodles you've made whenever [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Well Kidbomber and I are starting our own little fun comic and I just discovered how much fun it is to draw people, so if anyone's interested I'll...
Most of you won't get the reference. [IMG] How do I improve it, I'm stumped? I wanna keep the whole "pixel" thing going on....
[IMG] Took some advice I learned from the last (unfactual) thread, tried it in an actual (factual) attempt. What's the damage?
[IMG] I'm not sure if it is. Something's telling me it isn't. Whatever. CNC please.
[IMG] Found this gem over at LG. Glad I don't like matchmaking, this must suck for the rest of you.... A puppy? In Halo 3? 我的腦袋是遍布這個房間的牆壁,請殺了我
Ohai. Wtf title you might ask? As I've told a few peoples, I've been trying to start up a comic for some time now, and up until recently all I've...
Name the most embarrassing moments of your lives here, guys. Since this thread is in General Chat, please thoroughly write out the adventure that...
I love this band so ****ing much, they're the only modern band that plays original music that sounds like nothing else out there that I know of.... It originally came from Newgrounds, but I found a youtube one for ya.
Helix [UNSC]/[FORE] Helix by Dom says Oi Download Original Version Here Download Updated Covenant Weaponry Version Here Download UNSC Weaponry...
I got some videos (among other things) that I want put together for a movie, but the only move making software is "Windows movie maker". The...
Lol, wtf? Inorite.
I've always wanted to but have never had the materials or the information. Can someone who does already list me all the supplies a will need and... Original, there's one with much better quality but the people dubbed over the soundtrack. >: ( Full of suck and ignorance that you've so come to love of us. No, really.