I was a member of this forum about two years ago, and once the site fell apart, i didn't really care about forgehub, because of all of the cruelty...
Hey guys, i have created quite a few "inspirational" maps, that are almost finished being built, but the problem is, i am no good at interlocking...
Hey guys, i am firstxboxkid here reporting to you live, from... my computer. but that isnt what matters, what matters is this!!! What is he...
OH teh noes! i broke my wrist! remember how i thought i sprained it? well, no, and for the last 3 weeks, i had a broken wrist, then i got a cast...
okay guys! i want to know if you like Dinosaurs (elites) or humans better in halo 3. im gunna vote for humans. the dinosaurs look cool and all....
Everyone was prasing the PS3 because it has free online capabilities. not really. In every game, they want you to pay $1-$10 just for a new...
I was thinking of making a new gamertag, but it has to be original (no #'s) and if i decide to do it, i need all you guys to avoid me for my...
If you guys watched the news last night at 11pm eastern standard time, then you saw this. Michael phelps beat cavic by .01 seconds with those...
Unfortunately, just today, in a serious skating accident, i sprained my right wrist,(most of my right arm is f*cked up) and really scratched my...
Can we make a new sport in halo 3? i was thinking of something, but i know that most are gone. like we cant do soccer, basketball, paintball and...
Post some cool screenshots here! I have a few to show u. Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer...
I need more help building with my new map: Famine I am about 10% done building. i still need a lot of help from all of you guys on FH! please...
I have a great idea for making a new map on avalanche called "famine." This map would be a nice infection map where people have to survive through...