ok, so my freinds have dawn of war (I and II) on disk im on steam so i dont have to get a disk but would i still be able to play online...
is forge world the only map that we can forge on? im guessing forge on other maps too, but i dont think there has been anything saying either way...
[IMG] this is a random thing i did, i thought it up when listening to a song (BYOB) EDIT: also tell me what else to add, i feel it needs...
my xbox has stoped playing discs but the only thing is it is not a Hitachi light drive it is from "philips & BenQ digital storage corparation"...
it is very weird because i managed to recover it very easily as far as i can tell is all they did was buy 10,000 MS points spent it all on arcade...
my friend sent me this link YouTube - Modern Warefare 2 25 Kill Streak...WTF NUKE? what do you guys make of it
ive seen a few vids were people are forging in custom games can someone give me a link to DL it or is it like insta ban
ive been working on this for about 30 mins and then i took some time out to read its a conquest map [IMG][IMG] i tried to not give away the map...
ive seen it alot recently but i havent been reaky paying attention to recent events and i basicaly want to know what it is, what setting there is,...
i was bored so i made this original:http://condemnedtorocknroll.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/kate-bush-ivy.jpg [IMG] it took me 15 mins of the...
i need a person to do a decent photoshop (or gimp) image change this image...
YouTube - Lips 2 Da Floor this made me lawl so hard when my brother showed it to me a while back, i dunno why it popped into my head but yea
YouTube - Elite-O-Sexual Halo 3 Machinima By A2X Alex i lawl'd and the second episode YouTube - Elite-O-Sexual 2: The Awakening Part One By A2X...
this is my 1st sig in about 2 months V1 [IMG] V2 [IMG] V3 [IMG] please crit* i need the help and i know the render background hasnt been...
Title and ive heard alot of people say GIMP is better but ive also heard people say CS4 is better also im a real shitty sig maker if you could...
well most people who pre order games in th UK from shops such as GAME get the game they preorderd a day early because the shop uses extra...
title says it or somthing els... i know i spelled chief wrong 0.o (im realy bored) i think he would be a cat person, i can just imagine him on a...
these are the newer sound traks that bungie have released Traffic jam...
well basically i cant play halo 3 ive saved it to my xbox when it got scrached (saved with my freinds) it worked for a while but now (actually...
FIRE-FIGHT - needs new papa well its simple realy the basics of it is that zombies have multiple spawns that get blocked/+ opened at different...