Well Watcher - Download Guardians of the wells will give their all to abolish human activity in the caves. [IMG] The basic overview of the map....
This will be my first map made in Halo:Reach that I will be putting up on forge hub in the near future. Once the spawn system as well as objective...
I began work on what will be my first published map from reach the other night. Land Bridge is the current name (I've done a search and didn't see...
I saw a picture a while back where IDave the Rave took the forky image from Bungie and added the text, "forklifts dont die, they're just missing...
Just whipped this up. I'm not very experienced but I guess I just experimented until I got something decent looking. [IMG] Looking at it now, it...
Viaduct Preview Created By: Hank102938 I've been digging through my unfinished maps and this one that I started on a month or so ago came up...
I started working on this map a few weeks ago, and right now its over halfway done. Most of the layout is finished. And whats left includes adding...
~T for Terminal~ Created By: Hank102938 Is this place terminal? Or is this place a terminal? I'm confused, are you? Download T for Terminal...
Abandoned Barn Created by Hank102938 A barn once used for, well barn stuff, is now over fifty years old and has gotten pretty run down....
Confinement v2 Created by: Hank102938 Supported Gametypes: FFA Slayer Team Slayer: 2 Teams of 3-5; 3-4 teams of 2 FFA KOTH FFA Oddball...
Map Title: Industrial Barn Comes with 2 floors and a Loft! Created By: Hank102938 Download Map Recommended Players: 2-6 Playable...
Zombie State Download Zombie State Map Download Recommended Game Type The Humans have moved deep into zombie territory know as Zombie State....
Map Title: The Factory Stronghold An old two base stronghold used durring a battle a few hundreds of years before the halo. Download Map...
Map Title: The Factory Fief An old two base stronghold used durring a battle a few hundreds of years before the halo. Download Map Game Types:...
The 100 Foot Fort Version 2 A remake of one of my very first forge maps made a long time ago when I first got H3. Definatly nothing special but a...
Map Title: 100 Foot Fort This map is based upon two forts that are long and are only 2 stories high Download Map...Original 100 Foot Fort...
Map Title: Confinement A small map best for Free for all and Team Slayer (other game types also playable) Download Map Description: The Map...