Spongebob & happy Feet - Fort Minor - Remember The Name Check it out its good!!
Spaceium Created by I KILL U 765 Supported Gametypes: Flag Ship Map Description This is a space ship. It has two bases. The Defenders...
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Journey to Mars Created by Me (I KILL U 765), (xXRampageXx202) , & (XCRUSHER21X) Supported Gametypes: Kigk of the Hill (Mission Mars) Map...
Can't Be Saved Created by I KILL U 765 Supported Gametypes: Racetracks Map Description Can't be saved is a racetrack.You start off going up a...
I need an idea to make in forge. Anything, Anything. Thanks:)
The Spartan Forge Team works in sepicalized groups testing and making maps. The groups are makers, testers, and tester/makers.Click Here to join!
This is a drive in movie theater. Me & johndeere97 made this map. It has a consession stand, a ticket booth, & a movie that starts 90 seconds in...
This map is a plain bank when a distaster strikes. The pizza guy is a zombie killing everybody. This The map has three levels. It is played with...