I don't know if this has been stated before but be careful while merging through the ground floor of the crypt on Sandbox. I have just found that...
Download: Link 8-16 Players *4-6 player teams have proved to be best.* Gametypes Supported: Big Team Slayer, Assault (all), CTF Preferred (in...
Download Aberrant "BR Starts. Team Slayer, FFA, KOTH, Bomb, CTF, Oddball, Territories. 4 - 6 players. Forged by: ShreddedDreamz" [IMG]...
ok, I was wondering that if you add files to file sets, can they still be downloaded from the file set even if I have removed them from my file share?
I am talking about those people who wont write comments on maps..etc. I am not referring to the lurkers here, and those on the bnet forum, but the...
I know my v1 of Voltage is still being replied to, but i posted it a couple weeks ago. I will be using much of the same information from the...
Following the FH Favorites comedic cone pictures; both pics can be download from my file share Cone Therapy Description; After his failed suicide...
EDIT: The thread for v2 is now posted!! its like seriously right here... totally [IMG] This is a map I've been working on for about a week now....
I was, along with everyone else, in complete amazement of BuddhaCrane's Ultimate Budget Glitch up until recently. This map has been my only canvas...
A signature pic i threw together in ps and am very happy of the result. PLEASE comment of your thoughts (likes, dislikes, things for improvement,...
I wanted to share some of my Halo 3 images, and what better online community that ForgeHub? Ok I will divide the pictures into 5 categories;...
I know many people have already made Iron Man pics, but I think is much better than most. [IMG] "Rocket-Boots On"
Ok now for the answers to my first installment of "WTF is That!!?" Not many people checked out the original post (that or they didn't care to...
Now Showing: I will embed 10 zoomed-in pictures from things around halo (weapons, vehicles, any random thing around maps..) for all to guess upon...
This now abandoned warehouse of Voi was once the center of many universal trading hubs. For TS, 8 players This is a warehouse with a fairly...
I am currently forging a map (using the unlimited budget glitch) and have encountered a HUGE problem. I am at a point where I can no longer spawn...
Symbiosis - any interdependent or mutually beneficial relationship between two persons, groups, etc. (This map has nothing to do with the...
A Volcano for nothing more than fun. Just have a blast jumping, driving, or hurling objects into the volcano. [IMG] Not something i worked on hard...
http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21359738 Not exactly as I pictured it to come out, but it still provides fun, fast-paced,...