I know not many people may have this game but if you do, I would truly appreciate to bring each of our parks to this site. Post a link to your...
These are my Top 5 favorite videos he's made so far... YouTube - JULIAN SMITH - Beached Whale YouTube - JULIAN SMITH - One Bad App YouTube...
[IMG] I personally believe its awesome. And if your wondering, yes I used a tutorial but the text was all me. Just tell me if its awesome...
Bunker Hill is finally done on Sandbox. Over three months of forging now completed. Sorry about the shortness of this post, I was pressed for...
I just made a new group over at Bungie. We are dedicated to building maps based from movies. You can post any maps but we will have contests...
No there arent any pictures. But you may want to read the wall of text below. Modern Warfare 2 Gameplay Glimpsed Snowmobiles and underwater...
Well I thought I should maybe release a few pictures of this remake of the Foundry Version. For people who dont know what this map is, it is a...
Well... I decided to watch a little movie called Pitch Black last friday. Now I used to always have these crazy need more info phases when I...
Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 2 Announced Prepare for the flaming Hell Hound. by Erik Brudvig [IMG] April 30, 2009 -...
'Halo Wars' Getting New Modes, Achievements In DLC Posted by Brian Leahy - Tuesday, April...
Fallout: New Vegas Announced A whole new game is on the way. April 20, 2009 - Bethesda has announced a new entrant into the Fallout...
This is made by collegehumor. I thought it was pretty funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9vbJJE3i6U
Machinima.com - Halo 3: PORN This is just a little stupid funny machinima.com short. It is really just recommended that people who enjoy...
I need to get a Product Key. Does anybody have one that I can have? If so please Private Message me?
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 This Holiday Activision Blizzard reveals next COD game coming near end of year. by Jason Ocampo...
Knox's Korner Media Player! Watch. Its slow but gets hilarious.
Call of Duty: World at War Gets First DLC Set of four maps coming in March. by Nate Ahearn [IMG] February 10, 2009 -...
Unlockable Avatar Clothes on the Way Who needs trophies when you can have trousers? by Ryan Geddes February 3, 2009 - Rare has...
This thread is truly a simple one. Just think of a new but realistic gametype that would work on the halo 3 engine. I dont mean like a new king...
Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage Unveiled Bethesda spills the beans on everything from length to lifting the level cap. by Erik Brudvig [IMG]...