My first sig in god knows how long, I'm rather pleased with it considering I haven't been actively making sigs in a while. Cnc appreciated!...
Magic The Gathering For all of you uneducated heathens, Magic: The Gathering is a TCG made and produced by wizards of the coast. The game...
Natural Selection: A wallpaper I just made out of boredom. Version 1 [IMG] Main problems with V1 in my opinion are the lines on the render and...
So, I was fooling around in GIMP, and I accidentally removed the "Dockable dialog box" from the tools panel. Basically, I can't change the...
[IMG] I hate the way her hair turned out... ... The original render has very chopy hair and I don't know how to fix it, suggestions?
Which is my best music sig? Please be honest. Also, feel free to dole out Cnc on my new Metallica sig. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Thoughts on my new sig? I personally think its decent, but not great. [IMG]
... Or are images a lot grainier on this site? When I look at people's sigs its like they sharpened them waaaaay too much. I'm afraid to use any...
[IMG] This is Freewill Graphics, a shop dedicated to providing not just regular members of Forgehub with fine graphic art; but also to helping...
... Be willing to let me help out with their shop? Id'e like to get some more practice (and less boredom). Obviously you can see my work in my...
So, I was bored, and thought id'e post my sig collection. And by collection, i mean i'm including sigs that have been made for me and obsure...
[IMG] Welcome to Cnc hub! What is Cnc hub? - Cnc hub is hopefully going to be a new way for members to recieve Cnc on their sig. - Instead of a...
V3: Current [IMG] Blured her hair, added adtional softglow, added border. V2: [spoiler] V1:[spoiler] I really like how this one tuned out....
Well, my Xbox 360 finaly got RRoD, after getting e74. Now, I was thinking about it today, and iv'e decided to crossover to PC gaming. The xbox...
V1 [IMG] Well, this turned out alot better than I thought it would... ... Cnc is apreciated (all though I doubt anyone will give it.) V2 [img]...
I made these today and decided to request a little Cnc to help me inprove my style. 1. Toxicity (SOTW entrant) Eh, I like how it came out, but I... wow, I can't wait for this. At least we finally know what the storyline is, eh?
[img] Eh, this sig id the first iv'e made in along time I consider an actual sig... ... I really like the way this one turned out, the only...
My own little acid helmet picture, tell me what you think. [img]