As stated. Shortest and easiest campaign on legendary. I'll have to final verdict after a solo playthrough but 2 players was far too quick. What...
Hey has anyone heard of the game Rage of Bahamut? It's It's a card game for Android or iOS phones that lets you collect and evolve cards from...
Hey guys, These are some pictures I've taken recently.. I hosted with imageshack so you can click the pictures to see larger versions. Clouds...
So, if the title didn't make it obvious I need help with setting up the mechanics on my Invasion map. I'd prefer to learn from you (the...
Some of you may remember seeing a map preview (Genesis) of mine a little while ago. Well, this thread is to showcase pictures of the rest of the...
Originally I posted this map preview 3 weeks ago, after a short break from forging I came back and had no want to complete this map. It was based...
Hey peeps, I'm Duke. Thought I would properly introduce myself since I've retaken an interest in forging. I'm not involved with any other forging...