Hello to everyone and welcome to xxAl Capwnagexx’s and mxdd13’s sig request shop! [IMG]...
Well I cant take it anymore but this is what my new thread with al is gong to look like and I figuired I would post it for the refrence of others...
Post your sig thread here, only if it is a gallery and I will list them for a-z and do a rating with * from one 2 five on how good it is. A-...
This i s where I will post the sigs that I come up with. My first sig in a while: [IMG] The second sig (text is crappy): [IMG] The third...
[IMG] He has had a nice upgrade to his armor. More here can you tell me the best one? [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
How do you get one of those map sigis that links people to the map?
Map Title: S.C. Pillar 3.0 The map map of stealth and hiding Download Map Download Gametype Description:This is a basic Splinter Cell map,...
Can anyone tell how to make shield doors go vertical?
What the heck? I was randomly going through old screenshots and noticed this! It wasa head withing a bond fire explosion! The head is in the top...
[IMG] The link is below [IMG] Tell me how you like it.[IMG]