Hello members of forgehub! I have been a member here for a LONG time, but I would love to start being a part of the community. My main reason for...
Map-UGB-UTE v2 GametypeThe Flood v4 Hello! I'm back with v2 to my UGB-UTE. There A lot of differences, for one, the main base is larger, there...
[IMG] Download- UGB-UTE Download-Gametype Description Well, I'm back with my latest map. Undergroundbase Until the End. The one thing you will...
[IMG] Map Name-4 Way Legend Game Types Infection Infextion Description This V2 on my map 4 Way Legend. This first wasn't that good, but this one...
Map name-Undergroundbase-3 Game types Infection The Flood V4 Description Undergroundbase-3 is map 6 of the Undergroundbase series....
Map title: UndergroundbaseV4 "Hi everyone this my latest infection map.With V3 having over 270 downloads i wanted to make V4(The last one)to be...