So i'm working on something similar to the drawbridge switch. I am making it on avalanche. The only movable objects I seem to be able to use are...
Using Google Sketchup In Layouts [IMG] Hey everybody! I have been using Sketchup since before it was owned by google, and never thought of using...
Furnace [v3] [Final Version] By ajpsk8 [IMG] An unfortunate player burns in the furnace What's in v3: The explosion is back! but only...
Posted by accident, sorry
Furnace V2 by ajpsk8 [IMG] An unfortunate player burns in the furnace Overview [IMG] [IMG] Furnace is a mainly KoTH and CTF map. Although...
Furnace by Ajpsk8 [IMG] An unfortunate player burns in the furnace Overview [IMG] An overview of the map from the back corner. The Full...