Supports 8-14 players, must have both AR and BR starts. This map is a sort of “remake” of my Northern Lights map, except different and better...
Here’s another one of my Ghost maps. It’s designed around a gametype I made awhile ago called Zhost. Zhost is an infection variant where the...
On this map I’ve built a couple tripods. There’s one [IMG] Two [IMG] Three of these guys. [IMG] Each Tripod overlooks a...
Probably the two most satisfying feelings in Halo are splattering with a Ghost and successfully sticking a moving vehicle. I’ve decided to...
[IMG] A competitive map designed with vehicle combat in mind. Specifically, awesome and extreme Ghost action. The map is symmetrical,...
[IMG] [IMG] Is that…is that Frank? No way, it totally is Frank. [IMG] Frank, my man, it’s been ages, how are things going? [IMG] [IMG]...
For how long have we been forced to enjoy giant robots on a strictly visual level? Will there ever be a time when we are given control of these...
The game is king of the hill; make it four minutes long, change hill movement to two minutes, hills need to move in sequence, and the score should...
In this map you play against a couple UFOs. There's one [IMG] Two [IMG] Three [IMG] Four of these guys [IMG] Each one relentlessly...
I’m sure that X-Wings, and Tie Fighters, and all that Star Wars stuff has been done to death. My excuse is that I made this map before I found...
I realize that Avalanche has made floating, ship shaped structures kind of a tired concept. My excuse for this map is that I made it long before...
It can be frustrating how foundry seems to force angular, industrial looking shapes onto any map made there. I wanted to get as far away from...