Ladies and gentlement, this is a discussion about God, We will not be debating the existence of such a being, that thread can be found here...
Ever since the dawn of time, long before human beings even walked the earth, already there was the polar opposition, good and evil, order and...
Please delete this post. I intended to place it on another forum. My brain had a stupid moment.
So, a few weeks ago, I decided that Age of Conan looked pretty damn nifty. After reading a ton and a half of positive reviews for the game, I...
Well, I was going to wait until someone else posted this, but since I suppose I'm probably one of the only Canadians on the board, I'll take the...
So, you guys might not be seeing much of me for a while. My Xbox 360 that I purchased three or four years ago has, after outlasting every single...
So. The other day I am playing a game with a buddy of mine, and suddenly, out of nowhere, the both of us receive a message from someone we've...
So, while I know there are quite a few forge wizards around FH, I am wondering if there would also happen to be computer wizards here. If there...
My apologies if someone has already posed this question, but I've been wondering...does anyone have any tips for merging objects with walls? I...
So, as I often do when I am on one of my insomniac stints, I shall be posting a topic that is of little importance in the grand scheme of things,...
I've no idea why I am posting this now. Maybe it's the fact that It's 4 AM, I cannot sleep, and I am almost incoherent owing to my exhaustion....
Downloads Cervantes 2 The Hunter The Basics: Intended Gametype(s): Infection Required Game Variants: The Hunter Number of Players: 4-16...
Truth be told, I found this place through a friend of mine, Angseth. Out of sheer laziness, I was looking to download canvas maps for the...
Note: I am currently updating this map, giving it a complete aesthetic overhaul and updating a few minor aspects of the gametype, as well....