CQB Training Facility LOCATION: Just outside the city of VOI, near covenent occupied city of New Vondeir - Mars SITE #: 37 Reccomended Players:...
See if you can put tigether something that would be said by these guys. I will post the winning captions for each pic within 2 weeks. Here are...
TROXELL Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF Players Recommended: 8-16 Weapons: Sniper Rifle x2 (spawn 120 seconds in on top of flag building)...
Silent here again for another caption game session. Guess what they were saying when this happened! Pic 1:...
Caption Game #1 Post which every funny comment you want about what the person said when this happened to them! Pic 1:...
Here is a funny screenshot me and my brother took while on a custom game on sandtrap. Post a comment saying what you think he might say. [IMG]
Still Standing v1 By : SilentStrike008 Supported Gametypes: Infection ONLY (sry) Recommended # of players: 8-12 (can be more) Weapons:...
This is an infection map that I am currently in need of testers for. It is almost finished but I really need some opinions from testers about the...