I am growing tired of alot of the maps I have on my hardrive and am looking for some fresh new content. Could you guys suggest some of your...
Alright guys, I'm putting this map out there because I am tired of all the sloppy money glitched maps. I did not just throw everything in a...
Now I just saw this thread in the forums and thought I would bring it to forge hub because I think that it really is a great idea. Feel free to...
Who is your favorite super smash bros. character and why? I gave everyone the ablility to vote twice because sometimes it is hard to pick just...
This is a thread where anybody can post their tips/tricks that they have ingeniously uncovered in forge. You must also have a step by step guide...
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows a good way to make an elevator. I have seen them before in some other maps but I dont really know how to...
Hey guys, I am making a race track just for kicks and the goal points are bringin' me down. I set up the VIP go-to-point on the the finish line...
Death by SUMO! Created by Maxwell360 [br] Supported Gametypes: Custom King of the Hill variant (MAX Sumo) [br] Map Description This is basically...
Thanks for coming to this thread to try and help me out. I am making a map like Sumo from Fusion Frenzy but I cant find a way to remove an...
As some of you may know, me and CorduroyCHUCK are thinking of making a sequel to the already great Super SMASH Spartans map by the name of...
I recently got into Halo 3 sports with Grifball but I am quickly discovering new ones such as Basketbomb. Does anyone know of any others that I...
Shadowrun Created by Maxwell360 [br] Supported Gametypes: Custom Slayer Variant (Shadowrun) Custom Capture the Flag Variant (Extraction) [br] Map...
Sewers Created by Maxwell360 and Joshgangs. Idea by HaloStriker214 [br] Supported Gametypes: Custom Infection Variant (DISGUSTING!) [br] Map...
Plasma Ball Created by Maxwell360 [br] Supported Gametypes: Custom Slayer Variant (Plasma Ball) [br] Map Description This is basically my take on...
MJB Mansion V2 Created by Maxwell360, Nozual and Corporal Jack [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer King of the Hill [br] Map Description - This is a...
Community Gametypes Database Hey everyone, Max here and was just posting a new thread where anyone can post their favorite gametypes that are...
Hey guys, Max here and I was just posting the best Gears of War Remakes on foundry that I have found. Please personal message me if you think that...
Ruin Crater Created by Maxwell360 [br] Supported Gametypes: Custom Slayer Variant (Ruin) [br] Map Description How the game is played This map...