[img] [IMG] [IMG] Cataract is a small, semi-symmetrical map made specifically for Team Doubles. It gets it's name from the waterfall it's built...
YouTube - Halo: Reach ViDoc - A Spartan Will Rise [spoiler]
That's right, I'm making an Inception inspired gametype in Halo:Reach. If you have yet to see the movie and do not want it spoiled for you,...
Looks like some interesting new stuff. And a possible theater mode at the end? Bout time they copied Halo. YouTube - Call of Duty: Black Ops...
Platform | Libertarian Party What does Forgehub think about the LP? Personally, i think it is honestly the only party I have ever agreed with...
Halo 3 (and Reach) have always been compared to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. However, I wanted to take the time to go through every reason I...
Norlinsky and I putting on the persona of stereotypical people from Northern Minnesota (Canadians, haha.) Lulz ensued. YouTube - Dem' Canadians,...
YouTube- Excited Salesman It gets me every time when he says "check me".
Watch this movie if you have not already, and spread the information around. Show everyone you know, convince teachers to show it in class, do...
YouTube- They see me trolling Yes.
YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 Unlimited Ammo Hack! While I agree that this is cheap, that AC-130 is amazing to watch. And pretty funny.
YouTube- YouTube Poop: Barney's Amazing Adventure Bus Acid Trip pt. 1 Daily video from me, hope you laugh, I did.
YouTube- Asian Crisis Hotline Prank Call VERY FUNNY - OwnagePranks I highly recommend you guys go to this guy's channel and watch all the rest of...
YouTube- Hilarious Muppets Bloopers! Probably the best thing ever.
YouTube- Ernie and Bert go BRUTAL Another one just for you, Brendon. :)
YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. Another one Brendon (Scobra) will love, cause he loves all the videos I post here. And you guys will laugh or hate...
YouTube- WKUK - Driving Instructor Okay.
YouTube - Shut up Woman Get on my horse! Most amazing video evar.
YouTube - Halo vs Super Mario Kart (Super Mario Kart Machinima) lulz