Crown of Flies Crown of Flies is an asymmetrical, room-based map designed for fast paced, competitive games. Team Slayer is the gametype of...
So, right before CoF was set to hit the tournament, I came up with an idea on how to connect the top area to the basement to make it flow a little...
YouTube - Flipple Slo Mo By the way, that's urk who got hijacked by yours truly. :-)
Let me preface this with the fact that I'm a moderate to lame Halo player, depending on my level of inebriation. Last Friday was one of those...
[IMG] "High above the wastelands, a lone Sentinel awaits..." [av-er-is] - n. An excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth;...
If you haven't seen the movie Snatch, you probably won't appreciate this as much. Funny stuff nonetheless. WARNING: much colorful language...
Ultimate Sandbox Sketchup Template by WhtButterflyLiz Google Sketchup [IMG] [IMG] I received permission to post this here, and I know it will...
I took this for Bungie's ODST contest. I looked through some of the ones already with the tags, and they all seem to fall under the "look how cool...
[IMG] NOTE: Comparison pics made by HITtheLIGHTZ [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] sketchup design: HITtheLIGHTZ forging and additional design:...
I believe the term "holy ****" applies here...
I soooooooooo want this... Nightmare Armor Studios (the same people who offer the replica Lancer) is releasing full-scale, wearable GOG armor...
The 8 Reasons Why They Live Is Cinema's Greatest Achievement By Chris Cummins (NOT BY SQUIDHANDS) [IMG] Quick,...
I came across this over at the MLGpro website, and thought a lot of what Nasty could greatly benefit the community here. I feel that there has...
Just posted by Sketch: "...please be aware that installing Halo 3 to your HDD will actually result in longer load times and thus a less optimal...
hell yes...
Yeah, you read that right. The winner: humanity
Radius 1.1 Radius 1.2 Matchmaking Edition Radius is a symmetrical arena map that is geared for...
A little old, but still damn funny.
I've always enjoyed joint manipulation the most when I was in martial arts. You could always make people really look like idiots, and never have...