I have played this map proabably 150 times with chunk, and I still love it.
Im looking forward to seeing if thruster can push you up curved surfaces so you can do some sick thruster-clamber jumps
Ground pound jumps are cool, but not enough to get me to play with spartan abilities.
I want us to be us again no more lies, just trust
This is seriously awesome.
well I haven't played the map but the thread graphics sure are sexy
More screenshots would be great.
This is probably the only squad map that I have seen so far that I wan't to play regardless of my hatred towards vehicles.
Im guessing you tried terrain objects? Anyways, Im liking the look of this map. I think "Sacrificing the majority of aesthetic complexity" as...
xXxandrithxXx420Xx Actually its xXandrith, but I prefer the first one.
I have been magnetized.
I have deleted a few spawns and added some new ones to counteract the spawn trapping that could sometimes be a problem. As for the initial spawns,...
Cool map. I suggest the movie whiplash. It was great.
I hope this wins.
Im a fan
This makes me feel weird.
You know that the name of the canvas map is awash, right?
I have added colors and fixed a few spawns. Over all the map is shaping up nicely.