Oh! I see an AznFTW name drop! Hate to break it to you guys, but everyone knows AznFTW... Except he goes by another name now; Godly Perfection....
I feel like my ranting in the lolbox brought about this thread. Haha. :P I'm not gonna lie, the whole all metal thing is pretty cool. Props to...
http://teambeyond.net/forum/topic/9179-halo-championship-series-season-2-teams-seeds-and-discussion/?p=453418 After action report from a scrim....
You're acting like a prick by continually drudging it up. Stop. Now.
Can we stop bringing up Orion? I'm not salty it didn't make it. It didn't make the first ****ing cut, why should I be bothered that it's not in...
I know, and I appreciate it. Only went on that tangent since you brought up Orion. My map didn't make the initial cut, I came to grips with that...
Well if we are gonna go there then, considering Orion is a more polished design and does KotH better, yes actually. I don't need to know the...
That's because it literally was. It was at best a week long project, including planing through building. Worse yet, it had no where near adequate...
I'll put it this way: one step forward, two steps back. It's great that we have an asymm in, but it's an unpolished map that got selected for...
The bulk of the forge community deserves to be insulted. I'll equate the majority of them to the majority of the pros; uneducated bottom dwellers....
I actually had a chat with Diesel earlier on twitter about how he's looking really bad with his complaining over this. Turns out he's not so much...
Well, it's hard to say congrats when its a map that was thrown together last minute that by some strange luck of the draw beat out much better...
Not sarcasm. Cool design. I just hate the black. Also, your german was fine. ;)
Meh. I've told y'all how I felt about Epic here, so no sense saying it again. Don't care for Eden either. Honestly, I'd rather have Tesla over...
Sad to see ya go man... It's like you just got back here. Map looks wicked, aber, es ist zu schwarz! Can I haz contrasts?
Also guys, if the pros are able to get Richochet removed by whining loud enough, what are the odds that they can get Tesla in as well? If their...
Except I never publicly trashed his map. Big difference dipshit.
Very true. Like, what the hell are they even thinking with that move? If decisions like this are a sign of things to come (in later titles), I...
Reading the shite over at BE too right now and I'm not sure what the hell is going on... Epic is in I guess? Eden, I dunno. Ricoshit is definitely...
Really though guys, I really really really hope it's Tesla. Only Tesla. And that season 2 fails harder than anything in competitive Halo ever has...