Very happy waiho got a map in. Happy for chunk he is getting his name out there more, even if it's hilarious that he always trashes epic, and 343...
I enjoy your twitter exchanges on twitter where you and diesel are best mates and insult the entire forge community. Cheers for that
You really don't do yourself any favours
Id say thats a bad thing. Map embodies BR Halo too much for my liking. Thanks for that
Damnation for me. Always enjoyed a map with high verticality to it, constant levels to fight on, multiple ways to approach the map as an...
So I was browsing the forums, and saw a post from A Chunky that caught my attention I appreciate the basic sentiments expressed in the video...
I didnt realise how "safe" it is to get upto P3, that power position is a little too over protected.
Nothing more I hate than this. Balance does not equal great, the best esports/MP games have a massive degree of imbalance/asymmetry which is far...
I dont think it will tank, its got a slight be of momentum at the moment, see how the next LAN event does, but I can only see less viewers over...
Just things like static timers, 110 speed.....patching the aim assist, as a viewer I gate the best players being handicapped by the meagre skill...
Chunk you say these maps aren't upto scratch, but what makes the existing maps so good? Lockout ts is shockingly bad. Warlord is a chaotic mess,...
Personally I dont think we need forge maps. We only have 5 gametypes on Warlord.
Heads up, on the waypoint article, all maps link to FH apart from tesla, can you fete 343 to correct it so it gets fair exposure
"Tesla is beautiful" ~Savagearbiter 2015 Also, just because pros selected middys doesn't mean forgers haven't been.
Hes banned but whatever, Il say this now, the salt is too high, and being angry over Venom getting in, but perfectly fine with Tesla getting in is...
Also there has been ZERO discussion of static timers, why? Transparency, the sign if any good esport dev. 343 does not show this.
I would like to know what this is other source as, as thus site was led to believe that we were assigned to draw up a shortlist, a fairly logical...
Thanks, couldnt tell if it was your opinion or not
Boggles my mind that a game which has the basic core Halo mechanics, still tries to shove in the stuff they know is hated. Even project...