A total of 50 responces.. can we push it to 100?
That additional path will require a bit of tweaking to the spawn zones
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5696C6G Here's a little survey... I'll post the results in a few days.. Share freely - the more submissions the...
I make maps.. i enjoy playing custom maps GT: SZR iParanormal
IMO its kinda hard to assume people are going to use static spawn times.. Especially in H2A because there's the additional obstacle of using...
I want the ability to select multiple objects and duplicate the group of objects and place them with constant relative position to one another
A lot of changes on Ambrosia tonight.. definitely for the better.. can't wait to playtest this more!
What about spawn times while using static weapon spawn times? Do you think they should be the same? Static spawn time at 60 second would make...
Lockout and Guardian - two asymmetrical maps of similar philosophical design with interconnecting pathways between power positions. Irontide...