Hmmmmm those leaves bottom mid. Did you add those before or after you took a look at my new map yesterday? :p
Yes, I'm never there due to timedifferences and always get solid feedback.
Thanks for the feedback Fated and Tyrant, appreciate it. I'm going to give blue side a redesign and try to make sniper catwalk more connected and...
Thanks for the awsome feedback guys, I also read it over at beyond. So I'm taking it all in and definitelu going to use it. Expect some updates in...
Thanks for the feedback korlash! As for my reasoning for the sniper route. I put it that way so that the sides are somewhat balanced. Red side has...
Why the 'OVR' on the overview?
So boats are the new trucks? Needs more trucks imo, trucks > boats. (yeah, I was around during that time. lurking. :p)
Map Name: Salem Forger: Obi Wai Kenobi Player Count: 4-8 Primary Test Gametype: Slayer Thread Link: Salem Download Link: HERE
Quantic 4-8 Players By: WaiHo GT: Obi Wai Kenobi Download link: HERE Gametypes: - Slayer - Extraction - KotH Background story: I started forging...
Well, you still got 22 days. So finish it. :p
Same for me. - Orion - The Ark And can I vote for Akasha aswell? If so, that'll be my third.
This is the first map that I've made using sketchup beforehand to design the map. The map is designed around KotH, but also plays Slayer and...
This is my map submission for the Smackdown 1v1 contest. It is an asymmetrical map that has multiple powerweapons/powerups on it. Weapons:<br...
This is probably going to be my final map and I'll be tweaking this one untill it plays as good as it can. After that I'll probably be playing...