Ok will do, I;ll post some screens of red later when I finish it up and anything else you can think of will be much appreciated. Also, the layout...
Thanks guys. I was going to have trees and brush in the back of red base to help out infantry but still be open enough to let vehicles get...
Well I tried out the water version but the warthogs and mongooses exploded the moment they get one inch under the water so even though they...
Ok guys, I made a blueprint for the redesign of 'Pandemonium.' I think my original problem with the first layout was I was trying to keep infantry...
I was running two lobbies, one 2v2 and then followed by a 4v4. I have time tonight, no lobbies. But I have school until 6PM EST so I'll be on...
I agree with you except on the middle hall, that's suppose to be the most vicious choke point on the map and be a risk/reward taking that route.
The needs to be a FPS Level design bible, I might make one down the road when I have around 20 years of experience. Anyways, I see where you are...
Awesome feedback Nutduster, thank you for taking the time to write that up. This is my first competitive map that is actually a remake of...
Ok, I got some people saying it couldn't run any smoother and others saying it was to confusing and poor. I can say one thing, it takes time to...
Ok, now we're getting somewhere, before you didn't say the areas were problematic. I assume you're referring to the main alley way in front of red...
Is that a bad thing? i know many good maps around here that use Quake map layouts but no one has noticed or not Quake fans. I wanted it to be like...
Sorry guys for not commenting on all maps, I think some stuff was self-explanatory during the tests so I will only comment on stuff that should be...
Ok, is a 2 min overtime ok for CTF?
Do we need have a set time lock per game like 10 mins or standard gametype times?
I'm running Extraction and CTF on 'Pandemonium' with the 'Dust-Up' settings. Should be very competitive.
That would make sense ;) Here's some motivational music to pump everyone up for tonight, it's going to be hot! [media]
Ok, well to lighten the load on me, everyone gets one game recorded by me and they have to let me know which one or else no recording. That will...
Should I record tonight? Don't know if you guys want vids or not.
Thanks for the feedback. There isn't any real streets on this map though, only alleyways and walking routes themed behind what a city in the...